The new megaport Corio


PERU: "The great megadiverse South American nation, home to 70% of the planet's biodiversity, gastronomic, agroindustrial, technological, commercial, touristic, cultural, sports, strategic and emerging country that does not sleep economically."

Future Puerto de las Americas (Puerto de Corío) - Arequipa, Peru On Islay, Arequipa, is about to realize an ambitious port project that will allow it to move 6 million tons of cargo per year.

According to National Geographic, the Corío megaport project in Arequipa is providing a boost to port consolidation in South America and the Pacific routes.

This project, conceived more than two decades ago, would form part of a red logistics that would include an airport and a special economic zone in the Arequipa region.

Alfredo Ferrero, confirmed that Corio could serve as a counterweight to the Chancay project, which is being rolled out by Cosco Shipping Ports, which accounted for 60% of the actions of the project joint to Volcan Mining Company.

The initial reversal was expanded to 7,500 million dollars due to the need to expand the project to integrate it into a red logistics system. The megaproject is characterized by being multimodal and is designed to maintain operational competitiveness for 100 years, with an extension of 13,000 hectares of reserved areas that meet the necessary water and energy returns for the integrated development of Corio.

El Megapuerto de Corío, el proyecto que convertiría a Perú en potencia mundial portuaria
